owl-face.jpg 1152 x 900 pixels - 133.6kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a8.yimg.com/image/4232733378 ScrOwlAMmed.jpg 280 x 350 pixels - 34.3kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a8.yimg.com/image/4152742138 owl.jpg 540 x 750 pixels - 99.3kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a4.yimg.com/image/3050651970 owl1592closesm.jpg 592 x 599 pixels - 45.2kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a8.yimg.com/image/4092009079 OWL.jpg 720 x 900 pixels - 88.8kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a5.yimg.com/image/3166998546 Saw-whet_Owl.jpg 350 x 359 pixels - 41.4kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a1.yimg.com/image/2175607686 snowy-owl.jpg 210 x 280 pixels - 15.8kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a4.yimg.com/image/2836162455 EurasianEagleOwl.jpg 535 x 602 pixels - 80.6kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a6.yimg.com/image/3578647896 tawny_owl2.jpg 313 x 361 pixels - 15.0kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a4.yimg.com/image/3082152139 schwalm_owl_jmd102.JPG 314 x 348 pixels - 24.0kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a7.yimg.com/image/3699626357 flying_great_ho...wl.jpg 300 x 207 pixels - 13.8kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a7.yimg.com/image/3757057880 WesternScreechOwl.jpg 450 x 617 pixels - 77.4kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a3.yimg.com/image/2563757915 owl.jpg 384 x 576 pixels - 30.9kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a6.yimg.com/image/3498055983 BD_Owl_Barred.jpg 454 x 576 pixels - 27.2kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a8.yimg.com/image/4270633268 barn-owl.jpg 350 x 232 pixels - 5.5kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a7.yimg.com/image/3766011576 NorthernPygmyOwl.jpg 450 x 366 pixels - 45.2kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a1.yimg.com/image/1967409237 owl-2-lg.jpg 1380 x 1004 pixels - 126.0kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a1.yimg.com/image/2117616586 snowy owlU.jpg 350 x 233 pixels - 16.2kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a2.yimg.com/image/2305498943 eagle_owl-3.jpg 640 x 448 pixels - 127.4kB 圖片參考:http://mud.mm-a3.yimg.com/image/2687200359 owl_tree.jpg 2458 x 1823 pixels - 749.3kB http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%B9%B0%E7%A7%91&variant=zh-tw
Barn Owl (Tyto alba) 圖片參考:http://www.houstonaudubon.org/1x1.gif Archive of Bird Gallery Images 圖片參考:http://www.houstonaudubon.org/html/BarnOwlAMmed.jpg Barn Owl ? Alan Murphy Family: (Strigidae) Owls Preferred Habitat: May be found in many habitats, including rural areas and suburbs. During the day rests in suitable buildings such as barns, caves, and dense trees. Seasonal Occurrence: Common mid-October through mid-April. Lesser numbers in the summer. Nests in our area. Notes: The Barn Owl is large (16") with a white heart-shaped face, white wings and breast, copper and gray back. Females have more spotting on their breasts than males. According to the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Barn Owls have the best hearing of any animal that has been tested. Their call is an eerie, drawn-out scream. Flying on silent wings, their pale, ghostly presence with chilling calls are the perfect Halloween symbol. Barn Owls traditionally use eaves for their nests but also readily accept owl houses. Barn Owls have been found in the barn at Smith Oaks Sanctuary. They have also been reported in Bear Creek Park and have even used the brick arches over chimneys for their nests in the neighboring subdivisions. Eastern Screech-Owl (Otus asio) 圖片參考:http://www.houstonaudubon.org/1x1.gif Archive of Bird Gallery Images 圖片參考:http://www.houstonaudubon.org/html/ScrOwlAMmed.jpg Eastern Screech-Owl (red morph) ? Alan Murphy Family: (Strigidae) Owls Preferred Habitat: Woodlands, including wooded urban regions. Seasonal Occurrence: Common in all seasons; nests in our area. Notes: The Eastern Screech-Owl is the most common owl in Houston. Very small (8" - 9"), it has two color morphs: gray and red, with gray being the most common. Screech-Owls mainly eat insects, but also like to hunt for small fish and frogs. They are relatively tame and curious, and have been known to follow evening strollers out of curiosity. They readily accept an owl house. Screech-Owls are best seen in the early evening or pre-dawn hours. Their call is long, descending quavering whinny. A second call is a long, low trill. Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) 圖片參考:http://www.houstonaudubon.org/1x1.gif Archive of Bird Gallery Images 圖片參考:http://www.houstonaudubon.org/html/GrHornedOwlAMmed.jpg Great Horned Owl ? Alan Murphy Family: (Strigidae) Owls Preferred Habitat: Varied habitats including deciduous woods, swamps and city suburbs. Seasonal Occurrence: Common throughout the year Notes: The Great Horned Owl is large (23") with prominent "ear" tufts and bright yellow eyes. Its plumage is variable and can be almost white in the Arctic, but it always has a noticeable white throat patch. It hunts primarily at night when its prey includes animals as large as rabbits, snakes and skunks. Indeed, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, it is the only animal that routinely eats skunks. Its call is a low, soft hoo, hoo, hoo; in addition it can also scream and even make cat-like meowing sounds. The Great Horned Owl makes its nest primarily in trees where it likes to appropriate hawk or crow nests; it also occasionally nests on the ground. Barred Owl (Strix varia) 圖片參考:http://www.houstonaudubon.org/1x1.gif Archive of Bird Gallery Images 圖片參考:http://www.houstonaudubon.org/html/BarredOwlAMmed.jpg Barred Owl ? Alan Murphy Family: (Strigidae) Owls Preferred Habitat: Dense swamps and moist woodlands. Seasonal Occurrence: Common throughout the year. Nests in our area. Notes: The Barred Owl is a large (21") owl with dark eyes and no "ear" tufts. Its numbers appear to be stable; in fact it is expanding its range in the northwest. In that region it may be replacing the less aggressive, endangered Spotted Owl. It prefers to use a tree cavity for its nest, but will also take advantage of owl houses, abandoned buildings and crow nests. The call of the Barred Owl is considered by many as the typical owl sound, with a series of highly resonant hoots: Who cooks for you?. This call may often be heard in the daytime. One of the best areas to look for Barred Owls in Houston is along Patterson Road, on the southern boundary of Bear Creek Park and along Sharp Road, in far northwest Houston (Katy Prairie).
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