Ranking of Buckingham University UK
My results are average, and I want to study law in uk, is studying law in Buckingham university qualified in Hong Kong? What's the exact ranking of Buckingham university? Over all speaking, is this university good? I heard that this university accepts everyone who can pay, is this true?
I am going to university to study law in the UK this year, so I can more or less tell you about the law school thing. I have looked up the Good University Guide 2007 for you, Buckingham University is not within the top 85 institutions in terms of law schools in the UK. Moreover, they offer only a 2-year undergraduate course, which will definitely not be recognized in HK. If your results are average, you normally can apply for better university than this one even for law. By the way, are you referring to HKAL results? If yes, for example you got 3Cs in AL which is not good enough for good law schools in HK, such results can definitely get you to top 30 - 40 law schools in UK or may be 20 (depending what your 'average' means). Here is the latest league table of law schools in UK. (top 30 - 40) 30 Keele 5* A 337 74 85.1 31 Surrey 5 C 365 85 84.6 32 Liverpool 4 B 416 77 84.5 33 Kent 5 B 364 78 84.3 34 Robert Gordon 3a D 330 100 83.7 35 East Anglia 5 B 425 68 83.6 36 Essex 5 B 376 73 83.1 37 Lancaster 5 B 411 66 82.3 38 Cardiff 5 C 410 72 82.2 39 Aberystwyth 4 B 334 73 79.5 40 Sussex 4 B 379 61 77.4 41 Northumbria 395 81 76.1 42 Swansea 3a B 301 71 75.5 43 Nottingham Trent 4 F 322 84 74.7 44 Ulster 5 C 324 61 74.6 45 Oxford Brookes 4 D 357 66 74.2 46 Central Lancashire 4 E 255 83 73.5 47 Manchester Metropolitan 344 76 72.1 48 Hertfordshire 3a C 248 71 71.7 49 Napier 3a D 330 65 71.6 50 Liverpool John Moores 3b C 278 70 71.3 To get into a better law school, you may have to study a foundation course. As I really do not know much about your situation, I hope the advice helps but feel free to send me message to ask me more. I really don't know if this university accepts everyone who applies to it, but personally I don't suggest you to apply if this is the case. From what I know, some universities do do this. All in all, this university you mentioned is no where to be found in the league table, so my advice is if you got average results then try some othe universities. As I said, send me message for more info.
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Overall University of Buckingham now came as 21st(out of 116) in The Time 2012 Good University Guide. Law Buckingham Law School now came as 31st(out of 91) in The Time 2012 Good University Guid. Buckingham Law School now came as 27st(out of 95) in The Guardian University Guide 2012.|||||Unfortunately, Buckingham University is outside the top 20 Law university ranking. Law Entry Standards Overall Score 1 Cambridge 518 100.0 2 Oxford 504 97.9 3 Univ Coll London 478 96.9 4 LSE 474 96.1 5 Aberdeen 427 95.1 6 Durham 464 94.9 7 Nottingham 465 94.8 8 Edinburgh 453 94.4 9 King's Coll London 442 94.3 10 Manchester 464 93.8 11= Leeds 449 93.3 11= Warwick 474 93.3 13 Glasgow 463 92.9 14 Strathclyde 449 92.7 15 Queen Mary 379 92.6 16 Dundee 407 92.0 17 Queens, Belfast 398 91.7 18 SOAS 385 91.5 19 Bristol 406 91.3 20 Kent 348 90.7 I suggest you should try and apply for another university instead. Good Luck.D1B39E804036C6BD