specific latent heat (fusion of ice & vaporization)
請問specific latent heat of fusion of ice & specific latent heat of vaporization有咩分別? 幾時用...?(比例子) 點用...?(比例子) THZ
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Specific latent heat of fusion of ice means the energy needed to change 1 kg of ice in 0℃ to 1kg of water in 0℃. The fomula of calculating specific latent heat of fusion of ice is E/m.(E stand for energy needed to change the state of a substance. m stand for the mass of the ice) The specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 334000J kg^-1. Example:Assume that no energy is lost to the surroundings. How much energy is needed to change 0.01kg of ice in 0℃ to 0.01kg of water in 10℃?(Given that the specific heat capacity of water is 4200J kg^-1 ℃^-1.) The energy needed =0.01*334000+4200*0.01*10 =3340+420 =3760J Specific latent heat of vaporization means the energy needed to change 1kg of liquid to 1kg of gas.The fomula is the same as the specific latent heat of fusion of ice. The specific latent heat of vaporization of water is 2260000 J kg^-1.