Manchester曼徹斯特返hk依家要幾$$$呀???(來回) 7月尾,8月初都ok 邊度買會平d呀/??? 有冇一個網係有哂咁多既機票價格架??? 有冇一d係大約7千幾蚊呀??? 可以上網/去到個度買都得~~~~ 請大家幫幫忙~~~ 謝謝~~~ thanks 更新: 返Manchester大約係9月頭啦
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Cheapest airline will be oasis HK at 266 pounds include tax. However, Oasis only operate from London Gatwick to HK so you may have to take train or flight to London first. In UK, a good website will be http://www.ebookers.com. Alternatively, you can check price directly on http://www.ba.com because you can take Manchester via London to HK. For example: Finnair AY 934/67 11:15 hrs Sun, 2 Sep 07 Manchester [MAN] 07:25 hrs Mon, 3 Sep 07 Hong Kong [HKG] 13h 10m 1 Stop (via Helsinki [HEL]) £434.00 (all prices incl. of taxes and fees - return ticket) = HKD$6510 (assume 1 pound = HKD$15) If you have any further question, please message me. Hope this helps.
The best choice is to go to a travel agency in UK and ask for the cost of airplane ticket. Also, there is a budget airline called Oasis Air. You can also fly this airline. It is good.34CDDE348BEB263C