1. if the price of a battery is reduced by $ 1.5 , and 8 batteries cost $52 in total . what is the original price of one battery? 要設方程黎計.........2. there are 48% of sudents are boys in school and there are 494 girls . there are ___________students in the school.3. the marked price of a pair of shoes is... 顯示更多 1. if the price of a battery is reduced by $ 1.5 , and 8 batteries cost $52 in total . what is the original price of one battery? 要設方程黎計......... 2. there are 48% of sudents are boys in school and there are 494 girls . there are ___________students in the school. 3. the marked price of a pair of shoes is $420. if the shoes are sold at 15% discount , how much should Mrs. Chan pay in order to buy 3pairs of shoes??(show steps of finding the answer )
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1 Let the original price of a battery be $x 8(x-1.5)=52 x=8 The original price of a battery is $8 2 Let the school have x students x(1-48%)=494 x=950 The school has 950 students 3 The she have to pay $x x/3=420(1-15%) x=1071 She has to pay $1071