我想問下點樣用hess's law 尼搵個enthalpy change 10
by applying the hess'e law1.find the enthalpy change of hydration of magnesium sulphateenthalpy change of anhydrous magnesium sulphate and hydrated magnesium sulphate are known 2. explain why the enthalpy change of hydration of anhydrous magnesium sulphate cannot be measured directly.3. explain why it... 顯示更多 by applying the hess'e law 1.find the enthalpy change of hydration of magnesium sulphate enthalpy change of anhydrous magnesium sulphate and hydrated magnesium sulphate are known 2. explain why the enthalpy change of hydration of anhydrous magnesium sulphate cannot be measured directly. 3. explain why it is not neccessary to plot a graph of temperature against time to deduce the hughest temperature from the graph. 1. 個個方法係用個enthalpy cycle, 加多一個用左excess water 的 唔該曬 更新: 咁另外個條EQUATION 駛唔駛分做D ION 嫁?? EG Mg2+, SO4
Hess's Law的原理其實同能量守恆的意思差不多,即係不論你用任何方法進行reaction,由reactants去到products的net enthalpy change都是一樣的 相信如果你知道我上面講的事,你會清楚好多點計enthalpy change. 1/ MgSO4(s) + H2O(l) ---> MgSO4?nH2O(s) Enthalpy change of hydration = enthalpy change of hydrated MgSO4 - enthalpy change of anhydrous MgSO4 2/ I'm not sure. Maybe it's because the enthalpy change of hydration is very small. 3/ There's no significant change in temperature.