周杰倫-稻香 鼓譜15點
急要周杰倫 - 稻香既 鼓譜! 唔該各位 15點
I suggest you visiting the following websites. 1) 管樂星球 -- 樂譜下載天地 http://gogomusic.com.tw/ 2) 魚蛋村音樂區 http://www.yudans.net/main/ 3) 蟲蟲 http://www.gangqinpu.com/ 4) 香港流行音樂聯盟 http://www.hkchord.com/guitar/ 5) SOUPU搜譜網 http://www.soupu.org/ 6) 流行曲的鼓譜及吉他譜 http://mxtabs.net 7) 小新的吉他館 http://www.gita.idv.tw/ 8) 結他友 http://www.guitaryou.com/guitaryouplus/index.php 9) 結他友2 http://guitaryou2.com/ 10) 結他譜下載天地 http://guitartabs.cc 11) 香港流行鋼琴協會 http://www.poppiano.org/ 12) 鋼琴曲譜下載 http://www.popiano.org/big5/piano/ 13) 中樂譜交流天地 http://mayasun.idv.tw/default.asp 14) 流行曲的笛譜 http://www.rupert-music.com/wp/ 15) 中國單簧管網 http://www.clarinetchina.com/jpxs/class/ 16) 中國古曲網 http://pu.guqu.net/dizi/20090321223807_3600.html%20( These are lots of useful materials for your reference and I am sure you can find what you desired for. Please focus on the first several websites for they have more general materials and catered for you needs more this time. The others are provided for your future use whenever you want to search some relevant free of charge materials in the future. Hope I can help you.