Eur will go up to 13.667???
http://hk.news.yahoo.com/061127/12/1x75w.html 更新: now is 10.202, should i buy???
all sorts of speculation are possible, but you have to consider carefully if it s worth taking the risk at this level. dont forget what happened about 2 years ago when nearly everyone said USD was hopeless. as greenback s interest rate is still much higher than euro s (about 1%pa's dif.) i prefer pound sterling & aud. 2006-11-30 12:33:33 補充: i'm not going to buy any at this moment (coz i've got some AUD already) but perhaps you can invest HALF now so that you won't feel too bad if euro is below that level later 2006-11-30 12:36:13 補充: btw, i prefer one with higher interest rate, which can minimize (if not cover) the loss in exchange rate 2006-11-30 17:57:00 補充: you re welcome, and also please remember the importance of diversification
May be will get your target but very high risk. Although people say that USA's economics will change to weekness at 2007. As many foreign exchange will up. I think you should examine more time.